LCHS girls romp past Bogue Chitto

Published 5:00 am Thursday, August 14, 2003

MONTICELLO – Emily Smith belted a grand slam home run and asingle to lead the Lawrence County Lady Cougars to 14-2 win overthe Bogue Chitto Lady Bobcats in slowpitch softball actionTuesday.

Also hitting a home run and a single for Lawrence County waspitcher Stacy Smith. On the mound, Smith finished with 2 strikeoutsand no walks in the win. Candace Avants was the loser on the moundwith 2 walks.

Heather Sanders singled 3 times for the Lady Cougars. KailaGivens and Sheketta Slay collected 2 singles apiece. Hitting safelywere Allie Williamson, Ashley Autman and Cori Walker.

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Bogue Chitto got 2 singles from Kayla Smith. Marley Porterdoubled. Kia Porter and Chassity Avants singled.

Lawrence 14, Bogue Chitto 6

In the junior varsity game, Lawrence County’s Maygan McCloudwent 4-for-4 with 2 doubles and 2 singles. Jessica Johnson also had4 hits, including a double and 3 singles. Collecting a triple, adouble and a single was Givens. Allison Sanders singled 3times.

Adding support to the Lady Cougars’ win with a triple wereKenyatta Myers and Shekiea Peyton. Ellie Fairburn singled twice.Katie Davis and Rhianna Garrett hit safely.

Pitcher Cari Walker earned the win with 3 strikeouts and 3walks.

Lawrence County hosts Natchez Cathedral Thursday for adoubleheader. The JV game begins at 6 followed by the varsity at7.