Lawrence Co. expects good turnout
Published 5:00 am Monday, August 25, 2003
MONTICELLO — A high voter turnout is expected here Tuesdayafter absentee ballots were counted Saturday afternoon.
Lawrence County Circuit Clerk Cindy Stokes had expressed concernduring the past week that voters may not turn out for the secondprimary in the same numbers they did for the first primary.
“It looks like voter turnout for the runoff will be better thanthe first primary, if absentees are any indication,” she said.
Nearly 60 percent of the county’s registered voters went to thepolls in the first primary, but traditionally fewer voters returnto the polls for the runoff election, Stokes said. Sixty percent ofthe voters is a strong turnout.
Stokes said her hopes were raised, however, after totalling theabsentee ballots Saturday afternoon. In the first primary, theoffice had received a total of 362 absentee ballots.
Mail-in ballots for the second primary can be accepted through 5p.m. today. After counting ballots when the office closed at thenoon deadline Saturday for submitted ballots, they had collected370 ballots.
“We received 71 ballots in three hours Saturday,” she said.”That’s almost unheard of. “
Voters returning to the polls Tuesday must vote in the sameparty primary that they did Aug. 5, Stokes said.
For example, if a person voted on the Democratic ticket duringthe first primary, they must also vote on the Democratic ticketduring the runoff elections.
However, voters who did not participate on Aug. 5 can vote oneither party’s ticket during the runoff, she said.
“Even if you did not vote in the first primary, you are entitledto vote in the second,” Stokes said.