Supervisor candidates look at budget needs
Published 6:00 am Monday, October 27, 2003
Today The DAILY LEADER continues a special question-and-answerseries with candidates in some of the county’s top races in theNov. 4 general election. Today’s race is for Supervisor DistrictOne. Both candidates participated.
The property tax levy for Lincoln County operations wentup 1.59 mills to 39.89 with the new budget year on Oct. 1. What canyou do to ensure that the county’s needs are met while spending iskept under control?
Joe Jones: By spending money wisely and fixingthings before they get too big, and all workers working to get thejob done.
The Rev. Jerry Wilson: Stay in the means of thebudget and be wise, very wise, in spending the taxpayer dollars.Seek out other resources that are available out there to help meetthe county needs and keep spending under control.
Why should the citizens of your district entrust thesupervisor’s job to you?
Joe Jones: I have worked for the county for 13years and know the roads and most of the residences. I want to workfor them to get the job done.
The Rev. Jerry Wilson: First thing, because I’ma Christian and love the Lord Jesus and I care, care for thepeople. I will treat everyone with respect and overlook no one. Iwill fight for all citizens and hear your complaint to get the jobdone right. I’m alderman in Ward 3, serving six years in my secondterm, so that qualifies me some and gives me some experience ingovernment. I will do my homework and work very hard for you to seethe project through and the job done. You have trusted me this farby getting out and voting for me as a vote of confidence that I cando the job and trust me that I will. Thank you so much for thatsupport.
Tuesday: Supervisor District Two.