Wreck debris closes I-55 lane
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Three eighteen-wheelers involved in an early morning accidentclosed I-55 South for about 20 minutes Tuesday while debris wasremoved from the road.
Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol Sgt. Carl Brown said theaccident occurred at 5:08 a.m. near mile marker 28.
The three eighteen-wheelers were traveling in the right lanewhen the last truck in line, driven by Michael G. Monk, 36, ofCarthage and hauling bricks, came up too fast, Brown said. Monkdrives for Dixie Transport, which has its headquarters in Millport,Ala.
According to Brown, Monk said he was driving about 70 miles perhour and came up on the other two trucks, traveling around 55 milesper hour, faster than he expected.
Monk swerved in the left lane and clipped the middle vehicle,driven by Cathy A. Barlow, 36, of Wesson, in the left rear of hertrailer with the passenger-side front of his cab. Before he couldregain control of his truck, he slammed into the first truck,driven by Leonard J. Porter, 36, of Brookhaven.
Barlow and Porter both drive for J.B. Hunt and were travelingtogether while hauling empty 55-gallon steel drums.
All three trucks stopped in the right lane of the interstate,Brown said, and debris from the accident littered the leftlane.
“The road was blocked because of debris,” Brown said. “There wasno vehicle in the left lane. We were able to open the left laneafter a short time, but it took longer to clear the rightlane.”
The trucks driven by Monk and Porter were removed by a wreckerservice, but Barlow’s truck sustained only minor damage, Brownsaid.
Monk had no visible injuries, Brown said, but was transferred byambulance to King’s Daughters Medical Center for evaluation andobservation.
Monk’s wife, Amber, 32, was traveling with him and was in thesleeper at the time of the accident. She was unhurt.
No charges or citations have been issued at this time, Brownsaid.