Loyd Star boys, W. Lincoln girls win tournament

Published 6:00 am Monday, December 15, 2003

Guard Jared Britt pumped in a tournament-high 32 points and theLoyd Star Hornets whipped West Lincoln 62-45 Saturday night in thefinal round of the Lincoln County Round-Robin Tournament. It was asuccessful title defense for the Hornets.

West Lincoln’s Lady Bears claimed the girls championship lastnight in Jack Case Gymnasium, edging the Loyd Star Lady Hornets37-35. In the other girls game, Bogue Chitto defeated Enterprise53-46.

In the other boys game, Bogue Chitto blasted Enterprise 87-53 asDaniel Howard pumped in 21 points and Irrie Catchings 20.

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West Lincoln 37, Loyd Star 35

The Lady Bears (6-5) got 7 points and 7 rebounds from AliciaKennedy. Erica Shaw added 7 points and 2 steals.

Coach Lane Young’s Lady Bears broke a 35-35 deadlock whenBritnee Smith stole an inbounds pass and cashed in a layup tosecure the victory.

“Loyd Star outplayed us,” said Coach Young. “We just got luckyat the end. I don’t know how we won.” His Lady Bears made just 6 of14 free throws.

Loyd Star (7-2) got 15 points, 6 rebounds and 3 steals fromShara Johnson. Jordan Britt added 14 points and 8 steals. SarahLofton had 3 steals and 2 assists.

Loyd Star 62, West Lincoln 45

The Bears (4-7) got 17 points, 4 assists and 2 steals from guardTyler Smith. With 5:32 left in the game, Smith suffered a sprainedankle and missed the remainder of the game.

“Loyd Star has a good team,” said Coach Young. “We played welland hustled, even after we lost Tyler.”

Kevin King was best on the backboards with 6 rebounds.

The Hornets (9-0), coached by Gene Britt, remained undefeated.They led 30-24 at halftime. Tyler Williford pumped in 15 points forthe Hornets, sacking 5 treys. Sidney Chester added 10 points.

Bogue Chitto 53, Enterprise 46

Guard Chastity Avants tossed in 15 points to lead the Lady ‘Cats(8-3) past Enterprise. Candace Braxton added 11 points to thevictory.

Enterprise (2-10) got a game-high 20 points from sophomoreforward Alisha Mason. The Lady Yellow Jackets were led on thebackboards by Erin Johnson who grabbed 12 rebounds and made 5assists.