Authorities alert public to recent burglaries

Published 6:00 am Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Lincoln County authorities are encouraging citizens to be alertfor suspicious activity in their neighborhoods following severalrecent burglaries in the area.

Sheriff’s Department Investigator Lance Falvey said there weretwo burglaries Tuesday, one on Jackson-Liberty Drive and one in aneighboring county, and another Saturday on Calvary Drive. In eachcase, Falvey said, jewelry was taken from the residences.

Also Tuesday, Falvey said there was an attempted burglary of aWeeks Lane residence. However, after entering the home, the suspectfled when he realized the resident was at home.

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“We want to let people in the county know there is a suspectcommitting these burglaries,” Falvey said.

Falvey said the suspect was a black male, but he did not offerany other description. He was also unable to offer a description ofthe vehicle used.

“The vehicle being used has changed each time,” Falvey said.

In the burglaries, Falvey said it appears the suspect is comingto the door of a residence and knocking to see if someone is home.If the suspect get no answer, he continues with burglary plans.

However, if someone answers the door, the suspect offers a”bogus” excuse such as asking for directions.

In cases where an unknown person comes to the door, Falvey urgedresidents to call 911 before answering. He said the sheriff’sdepartment could respond and investigate.

“We will sort it out,” Falvey said. “If it’s legit, everything’sfine.”

Falvey said authorities are particularly interested inpreventing burglaries in cases such as the Weeks Lane where aperson is at home at the time.

“Any time a burglar comes in a home when someone’s there, thereis a tremendous potential for violence,” Falvey said. “That’s whatwe’re most concerned about.”

Falvey said citizens should be observant and watch theirneighbors’ yards for any suspicious activity.

If something seems out of place, they should call the sheriff’sdepartment. He said a tip could prove useful in preventing orsolving a crime.

“This is not the nosy neighbor syndrome,” Falvey said. “This isthe best thing the public can give law enforcement in helping usprevent crimes like this.”