Two earn promotions in city school district
Published 5:00 am Friday, April 16, 2004
Two long-time educators in the Brookhaven School Districtreceived promotions recently.
James Tillman has been named deputy superintendent for thedistrict, while Lorraine Carey was selected to head Lipsey MiddleSchool as principal, announced Superintendent Dr. Sam Bounds.
As deputy superintendent, Tillman will be the number twoofficial in the district.
“He will basically, with the direction of the superintendent,oversee day-to-day operations,” said Bounds. “He will be the directlink to the superintendent.”
Tillman has 35 years experience in the district, with the lastsix as one of the district’s assistant superintendents.
“I have found him to be hard working, trustworthy, loyalcommitted and professional,” said Bounds.
A Jackson native, Carey is looking forward to her new role asLipsey principal, replacing Rita Rich, who will retire at the endof the school year.
“I truly believe Miss Carey will be a great asset as principalof Lipsey School and an integral part of the administration team ofthe Brookhaven School District,” said Bounds in his recommendationof Carey.
She also has 35 years of education experience in the district,with the last 17 years as an assistant principal, most recently atBrookhaven Elementary School. She taught second grade for 18years.
Carey anticipates a wonderful adventure ahead, and looks forwardto the opportunity.
“I am very excited about it,” she said. “It will be a newexperience for me.”
She is a graduate of Jim Hill High School and Jackson StateUniversity with a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master’s Degreein elementary administration and secondary administration.
Tillman was thankful to Bounds and the school board for theopportunity to continue serving the students in the BrookhavenSchool District.
“I will do everything in my power to justify the faith placed inme,” he said. “We will continue to strive to improve education inour classrooms by obtaining highly qualified teachers and providingthem with the essentials needed to perform their jobefficiently.
“We will continue to provide good discipline in our schools andmaintain an environment that is safe and conducive to learning,”said Tillman about future plans.
Tillman is a Brookhaven native and a graduate of Alexander HighSchool. He attended Jackson State University, Mississippi StateUniversity, University of Southern Mississippi and HarvardUniversity, earning a specialist degree in education administrationand supervision.
Tillman and his wife, Esther, have three children — Gregory,Joyce and Mary Elizabeth.