Soldiers, civilians now need support

Published 5:00 am Monday, April 19, 2004

The hostage situation in Iraq become more personal for manyLincoln Countians when Thomas “Tommy” Hamill of Macon, a civiliancontract truck driver, was abducted on April 9. Hamill hasrelatives in the Lincoln County area.

A deadline to meet kidnappers’ demands passed April 11, butthere has still been no word of Hamill’s fate. In his hometown,across Mississippi and the nation, the Hamill family is findingmuch support in this time of uncertainty.

We join those who continue to pray for Hamill’s safe return, aswell as the safe return of the other civilians kidnapped byinsurgents.

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When people enter military service, they understand death is apossibility that cannot be ignored. That danger should not be aconsideration for civilians working to restore power, water, sewer,hospitals, schools and churches to an underprivilegedpopulation.

Unfortunately, insurgents are striking out at foreignersregardless of their reasons for being in the country. The plan ofthe insurgents is to disrupt the international coalition inIraq.

That cannot be allowed to happen. The coalition must remain firmand resolute in the face of these cowardly attacks.

Americans back at home must continue to support both thesoldiers and the civilians on duty in Iraq.