Board OKs changes for county school district
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, May 18, 2004
The central office of the Lincoln County School District willhave a new look beginning in June after the Board of Trusteesapproved some administrative changes Monday.
Under the new plan, many duties were redistributed amongadministrators.
One administrator, Child Nutritional Services Director CindyKing, was dismissed.
“We’re going to make some changes to child nutrition and do somethings differently, but I haven’t finalized those plans yet,” saidSuperintendent Terry Brister, who proposed and recommended theshuffling of responsibilities to the board.
King said she would continue to work until June while thedistrict finds her replacement. Neither she nor administratorsoffered any other comment on the change.
In other changes, Enterprise Attendance Center Principal BruceFalvey will move to the central office as director of testing andtransportation.
Anthony “Shannon” Eubanks will move from Loyd Star AttendanceCenter to become principal at Enterprise, Brister said. Eubankstaught science and technology discovery at Loyd Star.
Jill Nations will stay at Enterprise as assistant principal ofkindergarten through fourth grade and will also teach and coach.Christy Elkins will be the assistant principal for grades 5-12 andwill also teach.
Falvey’s new duties allow other changes to be made, Bristersaid.
Former Transportation Director Donald Case will now teachdriver’s education at Enterprise and West Lincoln AttendanceCenters, and the testing director portion of Falvey’s new dutieswere relinquished by Stan Long to allow him to concentrate more inhis other duties as the 16th section land manager, Bristersaid.
The administrative changes were not triggered by budget cutshanded down by the state, Brister said.
“I just wanted to make some changes in central officeoperations,” he said.
In other matters, the board also approved the salaries forcertified personnel, including teachers.
The potential of losing teachers was at the heart of a debate inthe state legislature in past months as legislators struggled topass an education budget.
An education budget was finally passed last week, allowingschool districts statewide to finalize their budgets for the2004-2005 school year.
“We didn’t lose any teachers,” Brister said. “We managed to holdon to all of them. It was close, though.”
A few teachers had considered offers from other districts duringthe recent budget crisis, he said, but Lincoln County was able toissue them contracts.
“We did lose some non-certified personnel, though,” Bristersaid.
Non-certified personnel include assistant teachers, janitors,bus barn mechanics and other non-teaching positions.
Brister said the district was able to maintain its teacher basethrough the elimination of those non-certified personnel and bydipping its fund balance, the “rainy day” fund.