City will soon have animal control officer

Published 5:00 am Monday, June 14, 2004

Brookhaven Police Chief Pap Henderson said he is close to makinga recommendation to the board of aldermen on a new animal controlofficer.

“We’re working on that,” Henderson said.

Henderson said he had spoken with the board of aldermen andcould have a recommendation at Tuesday’s meeting. He said thedepartment had received several applications for the job.

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“You can’t just pick anyone as animal control officer. There arecertain criteria they have to have,” said Henderson, referring tolaw enforcement-related requirements.

The city has been without an animal control officer for severalmonths after the former one was transferred to the waterdepartment. The dog pound at the landfill was closed after theprevious animal control officer took the two or three dogs thatwere there with him, Henderson said.

“Dead animals are the only ones that are being picked up,” saidHenderson, adding that the trash department is handling thoseduties.

Still, Henderson said the department is averaging three or fourcalls a day from citizens regarding at-large animals. The chiefsaid officers are not handling those calls, but they are preparedto address threatening situations if they arise.

“If there’s a situation where there’s a vicious dog we have todeal with, we’ll deal with that animal then,” Henderson said.

Henderson added there have been no such incidents since the cityhas been without an animal control officer.

“Some animals you can deal with and some you can’t,” hesaid.

Animals that find a home in a certain area can be caught throughtraps, Henderson said. Dogs that roam from place to place are moredifficult to catch.

“Those are the ones we have problems with, the ones that arerunning loose,” Henderson said.