Estes qualifies in alderman race
Published 5:00 am Monday, June 14, 2004
With three weeks to go in qualifying, one candidate has formallyput his name on the ballot in the special election for Ward Fouralderman.
Retired business owner Don Estes, who announced his candidacyearlier, submitted his qualifying papers last week, said BonitaBullock, Brookhaven Election Commission chairwoman.
“He turned in his petition with over 50 signatures,” Bullocksaid. “He’s the only candidate we’ve gotten so far.”
Friday, July 2, is the deadline to qualify in the specialelection, which is needed after former Ward Four Alderman BobMassengill won last month’s special election for mayor. In order torun for the office, candidates will need the signatures of 50registered voters from the ward.
“I’m looking forward to running and hope I have the opportunityto serve the people of Ward Four and the City of Brookhaven,” saidEstes about his candidacy.
Several names of other potential candidates have been mentionedin recent weeks. However, neither Estes or Bullock have confirmedany additional candidates.
“I’ve heard nothing,” Bullock said.
If Estes is the only candidate, Bullock said the board ofaldermen will declare him the winner.
Like other recent special election winners, Estes would thenserve the remainder of the current term through June 2005. Regularelections for city offices are scheduled for next year.
“The special election is still on as of now, but we’ll know moreafter July 2,” Bullock said.