Crash claims life of boy
Published 5:00 am Monday, August 2, 2004
A Bogue Chitto boy died Friday after sustaining injuries in aWednesday wreck involving a dirt bike and an all-terrainvehicle.
According to Lincoln County Medical Examiner Clay McMorris,11-year-old Brandon Vince Wallace died Friday afternoon at 1:05p.m. at University Medical Center in Jackson.
McMorris said Wallace was riding a dirt bike in a field at hisMill Creek Road residence Wednesday around 6:30 p.m. Wallace’scousin, Chad Davis, 16, was also riding a four-wheeler in thefield. McMorris said both boys collided after peaking a hill at thesame time.
Both boys were transported to King’s Daughters Medical Center.Wallace was airlifted to University Medical Center for furthertreatment. Davis was treated for injuries and later released.
Wallace, the son of Ronnie Wallace and Kathy Wallace, recentlycompleted the fifth grade at Bogue Chitto school.
Brookhaven Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Visitationis Sunday from 2-3 p.m. at the church.
“This was a tragic accident for our county,” said McMorris. “Myprayers go out to the families during this time.”