City, county setting example with continued cooperation
Published 5:00 am Monday, August 9, 2004
Several pending projects present more opportunities forcooperation between leaders of this community’s two governingbodies.
Brookhaven and Lincoln County officials are in the early stagesof working out the details of a plan to have the county collectproperty and other taxes for the city. They believe the change willbe a “win-win situation” for everyone involved, and it sounds likethey are approaching the issue in the right frame of mind from ataxpayer’s standpoint.
“We’re trying to save the city and county money,” Lincoln CountyTax Assessor-Collector Nancy Jordan said last week during a meetingwith the city board of aldermen. “That’s the bottom line.”
With city elections next year, aldermen need to make a formaldecision to merge the City Tax Collector’s Office with the CityClerk’s Office by the end of this year. The tax collection plan,though, would not take effect until June 30, the end of retiringTax Collector Pat Duckworth’s term.
Brookhaven and Lincoln County set an example for the state yearsago with the construction a government complex that houses officesfor both entities. In 2004, the governing bodies are workingtogether through a grant to fund roof repairs and renovations tothe aging facility.
The renewed spirit of cooperation continues to involve thechamber of commerce as officials with that agency, the city andcounty pursue development of a new industrial park.
From simple convenience for taxpayers to possibly landing newindustries and jobs, the cooperative investment in the variousactivities by the city and county will provide many positivedividends.