Four powerlifting coaches get pay raises

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Four teachers in the Lincoln County School District received apay raise Monday.

Superintendent Terry Brister recommended the 3 percentsupplemental pay raise for each powerlifting coach, one at eachcampus.

In recommending the raise, the superintendent said the teachershad been volunteering their time and money to train the studentsfor the past three years.

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Last year, two students, one from Bogue Chitto and one from LoydStar, were invited to compete in the state championshipcompetition.

“The coaches have been funding the training and the tripsthemselves,” Brister said. “I just think it’s the right thing to doif we have the money, and we do,” Brister said.

The superintendent also told the board the 2003-2004 MississippiCurriculum Tests would be released later this week and they mayreceive some telephone calls from parents.

“We did well, but it’s not a true indication,” Brister said. “Ithink we can and did do better than it shows. You haven’t got thetrue story yet.”

The assessment results that will be released statewide Wednesdayare not a true reflection, he said, because they are the compiledscores without any of the adjustments that typically occur andappear in later results. Adjustments made usually include theremoval of students who failed to meet state requirements for thetest, such as time in district.

“Some of you will get phone calls about why some scores arelower, but it’s only because they haven’t made those adjustments,”Brister said. “The adjustments will help our scores. That’s whysuperintendents would prefer the test scores were not posted now -because some things are going to change because of (Adequate YearlyProgress) and No Child Left Behind.”

The board also accepted bids Monday night for the destruction ofthe Green Building on the West Lincoln Attendance Center campus.The old building had been slated for removal after the campuscompleted a new office and classroom building funded by the $3.5million bond effort.

The district received five bids and chose Abatement Contractorsof Mississippi, Inc. to remove the asbestos for $11,393 and GulfServices Contracting to demolish the building for $25,437.

Once the building is demolished and the debris removed, theschool will use the cleared area as a parking lot, according toDistrict Four Board Member Steve Rushing.

In disciplinary actions, the board approved the readmittance ofa student who had been expelled for multiple non-violentinfractions. Discussion on the vote had occurred in executivesession. The student was readmitted to the alternative schoolprogram.