Obituaries for Monday, September 13, 2004
Published 5:00 am Monday, September 13, 2004
Nellie Smith Bedford
Services for Nellie Smith Bedford of Brookhaven were 2 p.m.Saturday, Sept. 11, at Harrigill Funeral Home Chapel with burial inNew Salem Cemetery.
Mrs. Bedford, 84, died Sept. 9, 2004, at her residence. She wasborn in Lincoln County on April 13, 1920, to James Jefferson (Jeff)Smith and Maggie Arnold Smith.
She was a homemaker. She was a member of New Salem Church ofChrist.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, JasperBedford; her brother, Earl Smith; and a sister, Winnie Calcote.
Survivors are her daughters, Elois Durr of Brookhaven, RebaAdame of Arkansas Pass, Texas, and June Bedford of Beaumont, Texas;her sons, Jim Bedford of LaPort, Texas, and Philip Bedford of DeerPark, Texas; her sisters, Pauline Berry of New Hebron and Clara MaeRushing of Sulphur, La.; 11 grandchildren; and 14great-grandchildren.
Rebecca A. ‘Becky’ Hicks Boyd
Services for Rebecca A. “Becky” Hicks Boyd of Monticello are 11a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 14, at Monticello Methodist Protestant Churchwith burial in Bethsham Cemetery in Monticello. Wilson Funeral Homeis in charge of arrangements.
Visitation is Monday 5-9 p.m. at the church.
Mrs. Boyd, 64, died Sept. 11, 2004, at Regency Hospital inHattiesburg. She was born in Monticello on Feb. 24, 1940, to A.D.Hicks and Wilma R. Ready Hicks.
She was a retired waitress of Hicks Cafe in Monticello. She wasa member of Monticello VFW Ladies Auxiliary 4889 and Powell’s GrovePentecostal Church.
Preceding her in death were her parents and her husband, Toby L.Boyd.
Survivors are her daughters, Lisa Haley of Monticello, StaceyBoyd of Jayess, and Sharron Hearn of Monticello; her sons, JimmyHaley of Seminary, Jeff Haley and Steve Boyd, both of Monticello;15 grandchildren; and two great grandchildren.
Sally Regenia Wallace Etheridge
Services for Sally Regenia Wallace Etheridge of Jackson are 2p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 14, at Apostolic Faith Church in Byram withburial in Hopewell Baptist Church in Franklin County. FranklinFuneral Home in Meadville is in charge of arrangements.
Visitation will be Monday from 5-9 p.m. and Tuesday from 8 a.m.until 2 p.m. at the church.
Mrs. Etheridge, 55, died from injuries sustained in anautomobile accident in Franklin County on Sept. 11, 2004. She wasborn in Adams County on May 26, 1949, to George Clinton Wallace andMary Magdolene Jackson Pipkins.
She was a customer service representative for SAKS, Inc. inJackson. She was a member of Apostolic Faith Church in Byram.
Preceding her in death were her parents.
Survivors are her sons Heath Etheridge of Florence, and ChadEtheridge and his wife, Jennifer, of Clinton; three brothers, JerryWallace of Meadville, Danny Wallace of Smithdale, and Ricky Wallaceof Meadville; her seven sisters, Gloria Walters of Meadville, JoNell Dorsey of Metairie, La., Carolyn Wallace of Metairie, PatUntereiner of Metairie, Jocelyn Etheridge of Eraselton, Ga., ConnieEvans of Ridgeland and Debbie Smith of Wesson; her threegrandchildren, Melanie, Troy and Amber; and a host of nieces andnephews.
Pallbearers will be Tim Etheridge, Landon Smith, Don Lofton,Travis Smith, Matthew Arbo, Darron Untereiner and Wade Wallace.