Suspects sought in robbery at restaurant
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Two men were at large after holding three Taco Bell employees atgunpoint during a robbery at the restaurant early this morning,police officials said.
Capt. Roger Wilson, who was investigating the armed robbery,said no one was injured during the incident, which occurred around1:20 a.m. as the restaurant was closing.
“One of the employees was taking out the garbage. One of thesuspects was behind the Dumpster and produced a small, silverpistol,” Wilson said. “The other suspect was hid out nearby andcame up about that time, too.”
The men, with their faces disguised behind bandannas, escortedthe employee into the restaurant at gunpoint and rounded up anotheremployee and the manager, he said.
The suspects then took the three into the office and had all themoney put in a canvas bag, he said.
“They then told the manager and the two employees to get in thecooler and took the manager’s car keys,” Wilson said.
The men escaped with an undetermined amount of cash in themanager’s white, four-door Saturn sedan, he said.
A patrolling police officer found the car around 5 a.m. at thecorner of East Minnesota and Cohen streets.
Police were searching for the two suspects, Wilson said. Onesuspect was around 5’10” or 5’11” and was wearing dark clothes.
Police had less information on the second suspect, he said, withwitnesses estimating his height from 5′ to 5’6″.
Only one suspect displayed a firearm, Wilson said, adding it ispossible the second was unarmed.
“We’re working on it, and we fully expect to make an arrest onthis case,” Wilson said. “We have some pretty good leads.”