Eunice McCalip ‘Mac’ Hart Hickman
Published 6:00 am Thursday, January 27, 2005
Services will be held at 11:00 a.m. Saturday at Riverwood FamilyFuneral Service Chapel in Brookhaven for Eunice McCalip “Mac” HartHickman, 86, of Brookhaven, who died unexpectedly January 25, 2005,at Mississippi Baptist Medical Center in Jackson, Mississippi.Burial will follow at Rose Hill Cemetery.
Mrs. Hickman was preceded in death by her parents, AbrahamWebster Hart; her mother, Pink McCalip Hart Thompson; her husband,T.W. “Billy” Hickman Jr.; her brother-in-law, William Beasley; andtwo nephews, Brian Beasley and Webb Beasley.
Survivors include her sister, Martha Beasley of Winter Haven,Florida; her brother and sister-in-law, Webb and Ethel Hart ofTucson, Arizona; her daughter and son-in-law, Dixie and Glenn Oehmsof Stone Mountain, Georgia; and her son and daughter-in-law, Billand Barbara Hickman, of Hattiesburg, Mississippi. She has threegrandchildren: Tom Hickman, of Brandon, Mississippi, Elise HickmanLowery, of Oxford, Mississippi, and Kyla Oehms Hickman, of StoneMountain, Georgia.
Mrs. Hickman, a graduate of Whitworth College and the Universityof Southern Mississippi, taught home economics in Morton, Miss.,before her marriage to Mr. Hickman in 1942. The couple moved to NewYork City, his World War II naval port, where she was secretary tothe president at Scholastic Publishing. After the war, theyreturned to Brookhaven where she was a homemaker.
Mrs. Hickman, a life long member of First Baptist Church, servedas Sunday School teacher, GA director, Brownie Troop leader, ClubScout den mother and WMU director. She was a member of the ClimbersClub, Peripatetics Club, Exchangettes, Mothers Culture Club, PuckiHuddle, Willing Hearts Circle of King’s Daughters and Sons, MatineeMusicale, Camellia Society, Junior Auxiliary, Daughters of theAmerican Revolution, and the Official Mississippi Women’s Club.
Visitation will be from 4:00 until 7:00 p.m. Friday at RiverwoodFamily Funeral Service in Brookhaven.