Check facts; then draw conclusions
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Dear Editor,
This letter is in response to one written concerning recentevents in the town of Wesson.
First, allow me to clarify the public events ordinance that wasreferenced.
Its initial unanimous passage by a full five-member boardoccurred last July. It was done to comply with state laws 75-85-7and 75-85-13 concerning transient vendors. The amendment passed atthe last meeting was not one to require an extra $10 per booth butsimply to require the sponsoring agency to reimburse the town forany expenses over normal operation cost.
We believed that it would not be fair to ask the taxpayers ofWesson to pay so that a specific organization could profit. Thishas generally not been a problem in the past, but this ordinancewill assure it will not be in the future.
There was also an ordinance change passed allowing the use of asecond water meter for irrigation purposes, which would not bebilled for sewage. This was done as a matter of fairness in whichpersons should not have to pay for sewage treatment of water goinginto the ground.
Also, there was no ordinance passed allowing five to sevenhouses to use one meter. The new subdivision in question will havefive to seven meters connected to a common water main, not a commonmeter. Concerning the replacement and repair of current watermeters, there have been approximately 48 meters replaced over thepast several months.
In reference to the alderman’s pay, a brief review of ourexpenses would show that they have been receiving $400 a month, notthe $500 that was stated.
Again our request is very simple: please make a simple phonecall and find out the facts about an issue before jumping toconclusions.
Mayor Alton Shaw,