Share memories of New Hebron
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Dear Editor,
For over 100 years, people have lived and died in the area ofNew Hebron. Each of these people has touched our lives through theinteractions that are strictly reserved for the small-town,Southern communities.
These exchanges are what created our past and made our memories.We have special reminiscences that have stayed with us over theyears, and it is these recollections that need to be recorded, fornot only our memory’s sake but that of our children as well.
Now everyone is busy these days, but if you can find the time tosit down and put into words the memories and events that have madeour town what it is to you, you will be doing more for our futurethan just remembering our past. You will be preserving that whichgives us roots and tradition that is so much a part of our and ourchildren’s future.
You may say, “Well, no one will know about that,” but you will.Write it down and send it in to the New Hebron Centennial Committeefor publication, and pass your memories down to those for which wewish the best. Include any pictures you may have that relate to theevent you write of.
We will need them soon, for the celebration is to be held Oct.22. You can call (601) 694-2234 for any additional information youneed or mail your entries to Elizabeth R. Bryan, P.O. Box 186, NewHebron MS 39140.
Elizabeth R. Bryan,
New Hebron