School board hears plans for old Alexander building
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, April 27, 2005
A community group presented ideas Tuesday for preserving the oldAlexander Attendance Center building with the assistance of theBrookhaven School District.
Steven Kees, a representative of Community Action FosteringEducation Activities, asked district trustees to allow theorganization to address the historical landmark that is no longerused by the district.
“We want to restore the building in the form of a historicalmuseum and learning center,” said Kees. “We have more than 300people that have signed their names in the form of support.”
Kees said the group’s plans were not complete because it has notbeen able to fully assess the building, which is still owned by thedistrict. He predicted the project could cost about $250,000. Fundsfor the project would be raised by the organization, which wouldalso seek grants, he said.
He said the project “would be a great asset not only to thatcommunity but to Brookhaven as a whole.”
Board attorney Bob Allen said the board had expressed aninterest in seeing the building restored as a historicallandmark.
At one time, the city had shown an interest in the building buthas decided not to take on the project, Allen said.
That leaves the school district to decide whether and how tohand the property over to Community Action Fostering EducationActivities. Allen said that would be researched while the boardtook the matter under advisement.
Board member Carl Holloway suggested representatives of thegroup be allowed to look more closely at the property during thattime.
During an executive session following the public portion ofTuesday night’s meeting, a Brookhaven School District parent askedthe board to consider having school uniforms, Superintendent LeaBarrett said.
“The board discussed it and voted not to do so at this time,”she said, adding that the board did not believe having schooluniforms was a route it wanted to take right now.
The next school board meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. May24.