Recipes may earn readers cash prizes
Published 5:00 am Thursday, May 12, 2005
For 28 years, area cooks have pulled out their best recipes forentry in The DAILY LEADER’s annual Wooden Spoon Cookbook Contest,and the competition gets tougher every year.
Close to 200 recipes are traditionally entered in the annualcontest, with people from Lincoln and surrounding countiesparticipating. More than 170 recipes were entered in last year’scompetition.
More than $600 in cash is given away in the contest – includinga $300 grand prize and $50 prizes for category winners. The prizesare awarded at a cookbook reception, to which all finalists areinvited.
Participants may enter any one or all of seven categories thisyear.
Categories include:
* Appetizers
* Soups, Salads and Fruits
* Main dish
* Vegetables
* Desserts and sweets
* Breads and Rolls
* For Your Health
The Wooden Spoon contest begins with readers submitting recipesto The DAILY LEADER to be examined by a panel of judges. In theevent of duplicate recipes, the one submitted first will beconsidered. The recipes are then narrowed in each category, andfinalists are notified to prepare their dish for a tasting.Following the tasting, category winners and a grand prize winnerare chosen.
The deadline for submitting entries is May 27. Entriespostmarked by that date also will be accepted. The winner will beannounced at a reception June 16, and cookbooks will hit the standsJune 17.
The contest is open to anyone in The DAILY LEADER and SOUTHWESTSHOPPING BAG circulation area except employees of The DAILY LEADERand their immediate families.
The maximum number of recipes accepted in the contest is 250, sothe earlier you get your recipes in, the better chance you have ofbeing included in the edition.