MHP clears confusion on tint law
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 6, 2005
The Mississippi Highway Patrol has clarified the controversysurrounding the window-tint law which took effect last week.
How and when window-tint inspection stickers must be obtainedcaused considerable confusion last week when misleading informationwas released.
According to an unsigned news release, MHP will no longerinspect and certify motor vehicle window tint at its districtstations.
Instead, a motorist placing after-market window tint on his orher vehicle’s windows must go to a participating state motorvehicle inspection station to have the tint’s light transmittanceand reflectivity checked and certified.
In accordance with the original 1989 law, after-market tint musthave a luminous reflectance not exceeding 20 percent and a lighttransmittance of 35 percent or more. Those levels have not changedunder the new law.
Vehicles that meet those requirements will pass a vehicleinspection, and the inspection station will affix window tintdecals and a state motor vehicle inspection sticker to the vehicle.There is an additional $5 fee for the window-tint inspection.
Vehicles with window-tint inspection stickers dated prior toJuly 1, 2005, will have until the motor vehicle inspection stickerexpires to have the window tint inspected.