Nine arrested suspected in drug activity
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Law enforcement officers swept the area Friday, making ninearrests to conclude several drug-sale investigations.
Brookhaven Police Chief Pap Henderson said officers and agentswith the Southwest Mississippi Narcotics Enforcement Unit began thesweep around 4:30 p.m. and made their last arrest after 10 p.m.
John Douglas, SMNEU agent and Brookhaven police officer,coordinated the investigations. Most of the suspects were picked upat their residences, but some were nabbed on the streets where theyhang out, Henderson said.
“From the fantastic job that Agent Douglas did, we knew wherethey would be. That’s why that time was chosen,” the chief said.”These were all arrests from purchases we had made in the pastweeks or months.”
In all, he said, nine suspects were arrested.
Akera S. Reese, 18, of 804 Dow St.; Jerome C. Dillon, 44, of 220Gulledge St.; William Lee Holloway, 25, of 6615 S. Greenwood Ln.;Kenneth Dixon, 42, of 209 Avalon St.; Darren T. Drummond, 20, ofOle Brook Road; Douglas J. Hooks, 38, of 71 Cloverdale Ln.; andJames K. Blue, 25, of 520 S. Second St., all face a single chargeof sale of cocaine. Christopher James Maxwell, 34, of 930 Old BrookRoad, is charged with three counts of sale of cocaine and James R.Finley, 26, of 1228 Union St., is charged with sale of cocainewithin 1,500 feet of a school or church.
Henderson many of the arrests were made possible byinvestigations resulting from tips made by concerned residents inthe community. Oftentimes, he said, those who make tips feelnothing is being done and become frustrated.
“A lot of time people will think we’re not doing anything,”Henderson said. “I assure you we are. It takes time to build a caseon these so-called drug dealers.”
The chief encouraged the public to continue to report anysuspicious activity they see.