County eager to start debris removal; residents asked to make task easier
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Like their city counterparts, Lincoln County officials hope tosee debris cleanup begin this week.
Supervisors met Tuesday with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers andFederal Emergency Management Agency officials to discuss debrisremoval plans.
“The main thing we need from the general public is to get debristo the road right-of-way as soon as possible without blocking theroad,” Brookhaven-Lincoln County Civil Defense Director CliffordGaley said.
Galey said cleanup contractors’ first pass will focus on leaves,limbs and other vegetative debris. If possible, Galey askedresidents to cut limbs into manageable lengths.
Other cleanup passes will get other forms of debris, Galey said.However, with vegetative debris expected to be chipped, he stressedthat shingles, siding and similar item need to be put outseparately.
County and city officials expect debris cleanup to take 45 daysor more.
“We appreciate everybody’s patience and understanding andworking with us,” Galey said. “We’re eventually going to getthere.”
In other storm-related matters, Galey reminded residents a burnban remains in effect for the county. City ordinances alreadyprohibit outside burning.