Board OKs makeup plan
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, October 19, 2005
The Lawrence County School Board unanimously approved a planTuesday to bring the district back in line with state and federalinstructional requirements following Hurricane Katrina.
“I think everyone understood we were going to have to do somethings,” said Superintendent Russell Caudill.
State mandates require students receive a minimum of 330 minutesof instruction for a minimum 180 days. The state Department ofEducation gave districts statewide until Nov. 15 to draw up plansto bring them into compliance after many were closed more than twoweeks because of the hurricane.
“We’re getting everything ready to send in today” for the stateboard’s approval, Caudill said. “I certainly think we’ll make upall of our time and a little extra.”
The district’s plan, already partially in effect, is todiscontinue early release on Wednesdays and extend the semester toJan. 6.
Discontinuing early release on Wednesdays, which was used forstaff development, will ensure the requirements are met nextsemester, Caudill said.
All holidays and breaks previously scheduled would still betaken, he said.
Caudill said he has heard no complaints to the plan and therewas very little discussion at the board meeting.