State’s leaders make difference
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Dear Editor,
I am a native Mississippian (Meadville) who has lived inLouisiana and now in Nebraska.
I have traveled two times to Pascagoula since the hurricane(Katrina) to do disaster relief and have witnessed the damage andslowly emerging recovery. I am so proud of the leadership ofMississippi’s elected officials, churches and people. It isbreathtaking to see it in action and humbling to see itsresults.
A lot of people only have an opinion on Mississippi from itspast legacy (the “Mississippi Burning” concept). That is now beingreshaped to Mississippi Rebuilding, and it’s getting noticed.
The difference in what’s going on in New Orleans and Louisianain general versus Mississippi is the leadership.
Carey Buckles,
via e-mail