Hometown bucks 2nd time contest win for Natchez man
Published 6:00 am Thursday, December 1, 2005
Natchez resident J.C. Winters registered only one time for theThe DAILY LEADER’s annual Hometown Christmas promotion, but it wasenough to get his name drawn during the third week.
Winters received $100 in hometown bucks Wednesday.
“That’s the second thing I ever won in my life,” he said.
The first, Winters said, was an electric skillet during aNatchez car dealership’s promotion in the 1970s.
Winters submitted the winning entry at Furniture Factory Outletduring a recent visit to Brookhaven. He said he visits Brookhavenabout once a month.
Jamey Lambert, the store’s general manager, said this is thefirst year Furniture Factory Outlet has participated in theHometown Christmas promotion and he was proud one of the winningentries came from his store.
Winters said he already had plans for the money.
“I think I’m going to frame it – just one bill – and I’ll usethe rest of it for Christmas,” he said.
The $100 in hometown bucks can be spent at any of the merchantsparticipating in the promotion. Participating merchants this yearinclude:
* Brookhaven Sports Co.
* Millane’s
* Expectations
* Sisters By Design
* Betty Ann’s
* T.H. Perkins Furniture Co.
* Cellular South
* Repetitions
* Country Fisherman
* Trustmark National Bank
* Bank of Brookhaven
* State Bank and Trust Co.
“I’ll probably shop around for a while before I spend it,”Winters said.
Forms and boxes have placed at each merchant location forshoppers to submit entries. Residents may register at the banks butmay not spend their winnings there.
Every week during the contest, one name is drawn from eachparticipating merchant. From those, one name is drawn for theweekly $100 prize.
All entries are saved, and at the end of the contest on Dec. 16,the $500 grand prize winner will be drawn.
DAILY LEADER employees and their families are not eligible towin. Employees of participating merchants may not register at theirrespective businesses but may register at any of the otherparticipating merchants.