Staffers win 35 awards in annual competition

Published 6:00 am Monday, January 30, 2006

The DAILY LEADER won 35 awards among the advertising, graphicsand production departments in the Mississippi Press AssociationMid-Winter Conference held Saturday in Jackson.

The total was the second-highest number of awards received by anewspaper statewide and a record for The DAILY LEADER, saidPublisher Bill Jacobs.

“That’s quite an accomplishment. This is more than we’ve everwon before,” he said. “I’m really proud of the staff. The number ofawards won just shows the efforts and dedication of the entirestaff in putting out the best newspaper we can for ourreaders.”

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The newspaper competed in the Daily Division C category, whichincludes newspapers with a circulation of less than 9,000. Theawards, however, also included many that were in competition amongall daily newspapers in the state.

“We have some very talented people working in these departments,and they deserve these honors,” Jacobs said.

The newspaper captured six first place entries, 15 second placehonors, eight third place winners and six honorable mentions.

Awards given to The DAILY LEADER include:

* Best Total Market Coverage – First place -Graphics Department.

* Best Use of Process Color – First place -Jimmie Cain.

* Best Classified Page or Section – First place- Nancy Smith.

* Best Use of Process Color – Institutional -First place – Carol Teasley.

* Best Service Advertisement – Black and White- First place – Jimmie Cain.

* Best House Ad – Web Site – First place – BillJacobs.

* Best Grocery Advertisement – One or more spotcolors – Second place – Glynna Broxson.

* Silver Dollar Idea Award – Second place -Advertising department.

* Best Use of Process Color – Retail – Secondplace – Jimmie Cain.

* Best Display Classified Ad – Second place -Carol Teasley.

* Best Theme Page – Second place – NancySmith.

* Best Series of Ads – Second place – JimmieCain.

* Best Service Ad – Process Color – Secondplace – Carol Teasley.

* Best Institutional or Service Advertisement -Black and White – Second place – Jimmie Cain.

* Best Section or Edition Dedicated to Retail SalesPromotion – Second place – Advertising and graphicsdepartments.

* Best Use of Process Color – Institutional -Second place – Carol Teasley.

* Best Section or Edition Dedicated to EditorialTopic – Second place – Advertising and graphicsdepartments.

* Best House Ad – Circulation – Second place -Tom Goetz.

* Best Pre-Print/Specialty Design – Secondplace – Jimmie Cain.

* Best House Ad – Classified – Second place -Nancy Smith.

* Best Niche Publication – Second place

* Best Overall Newspaper Promotion – Thirdplace

* Best Use of Process Color – Institutional -Third place

* Best Single Retail Advertisement – Black andwhite – Third place.

* Best Use of Process Color – Automobile -Third place – Graphics department.

* Best Service Advertisement – Black and White- Third place – Advertising department.

* Best Grocery Advertisement – Black and White- Third place – Glynna Broxson.

* Best House Ad – Circulation – Third place -Graphics department.

* Best House Ad – Classified – Third place -Glynna Broxson.

* Best Series of Ads – Honorable mention -Jimmie Cain.

* Best Single Retail Advertisement – Black andWhite – Honorable mention – Jimmie Cain.

* Best Use of Process Color – Automobile -Honorable mention – Graphics department.

* Best Auto Advertisement – Black and White -Honorable mention – Glynna Broxson.

* Best Service Ad – Spot Color – Honorablemention – Glynna Broxson.

* Best House Ad – Retail Advertising -Honorable mention – Regan Barksdale.