Mayor: Debris cleanup reimbursement coming

Published 6:00 am Thursday, February 9, 2006

WESSON – The mayor and board of aldermen learned Tuesday thatthe town will receive full reimbursement from the Federal EmergencyManagement Agency (FEMA) for costs associated with HurricaneKatrina.

Mayor Alton Shaw announced FEMA has designated $60,970 to coverthe town’s cleanup efforts after the devastating August 2005hurricane.

“I was real pleased with the amount,” said Shaw. “This is goingto completely cover our costs.”

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Board members said they were appreciative of the fundingassistance provided by FEMA.

“I think it was a real good amount,” said Alderwoman LuraGreer.

Other unrelated assistance the town will have soon is in thearea of training new employees. Aldermen voted to approve acontract with WIN Job Center.

“They have a program where they will pay half of the trainingcosts for new hires that are not trained in that position,” saidShaw.

The program is available for any public or private entity thathas worker’s compensation insurance, added Shaw.

In other business, aldermen reviewed their lists of streets thatneed attention in the town’s upcoming street paving endeavors.

Following the meeting, Shaw confirmed that aldermen had aspecial called meeting on Jan. 31 to discuss the recent conduct ofa public works department employee. They voted to terminate theemployee, referring to the town’s policy that an employee may beterminated for using town equipment without properauthorization.