Deadline today for ‘Safe Room’ applications
Published 6:00 am Friday, March 10, 2006
Applications to participate in a “Safe Room” program are duetoday, said Clifford Galey, county emergency management associationdirector.
The program, “A Safe Place To Go,” will reimburse up to 75percent of eligible costs to property owners for the constructionof safe rooms or storm shelters to protect against the dangersposed by extreme winds.
The maximum federal share awarded to any eligible participant inthe program is $3,500 for residential structures and $5,000 forcommunity shelters.
Several hundred residents attended a meeting at the LincolnCounty Multi-Use Facility Feb. 9 to learn about the program andpick up application forms.
Galey said he has received nearly 100 completed applicationforms.
“It will depend on how many apply statewide as to how much weget to spend here,” Galey said.
All applicants who meet the meet the criteria for the programwill share equally in the funds received by the county, hesaid.
The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency and federalofficials announced in mid-January that $6.6 million has been madeavailable to protect Mississippians against tornadoes and otherstorms. This year’s $6.6 million appropriation easily eclipses thetotal of $4.6 million that has been put into the program since itsinception in 2001.
First round funding will go to those who actually suffereddamage from Hurricane Katrina, Galey said.