Ruling delays new therapy services here

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, April 11, 2006

An unexpected ruling by the Mississippi Board of Nurses hasdelayed the opening of a new weight loss therapy service inBrookhaven.

Registered nurses Jodi Flowers and Angie Smith were to opentheir new ear stapling service in affiliation with Blue HeavenSalon Spa and Wellness this morning. However, because of a newruling, they have had to postpone their many appointments.

“RNs have to work under a physician to do this,” Smith said ofthe ear stapling ruling.

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Smith spoke with a representative from the Mississippi Board ofNurses last week, who informed her that registered nurses must workunder the direction of a physician.

Smith was unsure of why the ruling was made by the board, butfelt it was probably because of the number of inquiries nurses havemade to the board in recent weeks and reports of infectionsassociated with the therapy.

Staple therapy, a form of acupressure and acupuncture, is usedfor many ailments, including cessation of smoking, stress,headaches and most recently weight loss.

The therapy is performed by a person trained in the practice ofstaple therapy. A tiny surgical stainless steel staple isstrategically placed in cartilage in the ear. Depending on theexact placement of the staple, the constant pressure sends signalsto brain to remedy what ails the person.

Smith and Flowers hope to have their business up and running inthe next few weeks. They are currently looking for a physician tooversee their work.

Over 85 clients were booked for this week, Smith said.

“Ear stapling is a wonderful thing,” she said.

Smith commented that although this has affected her businessbecause she is a nurse, it hasn’t affected those who aren’t in thenursing profession who are performing stapling. She warnedpotential ear stapling clients to be sure that whoever performs thestapling is using a safe and sanitary method.