Man charged in Friday stabbing

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Franklin County man remains in custody today on aggravatedassault charges following a stabbing incident at a Lincoln Countyhome late Friday night.

Leedward Charlie Lockhart, 23, of Bude, was arrested Fridaynight at an Otis Trail residence and charged with aggravatedassault in the stabbing of Kim Anderson, of Highway 84 West,Monticello, said Lincoln County Sheriff Wiley Calcote.

A bond hearing for Lockhart is expected to be held today,Calcote said.

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Anderson was listed in stable condition at King’s DaughtersMedical Center Monday morning with a stab wound in the upper torso,said Sheriff’s Department Investigator Rodney Foster.

“This started in Franklin County and escalated into a fightthere,” Foster said.

Lockhart and Anderson were traveling together in Lockhart’svehicle when they began fighting, Foster said. Lockhart stopped anddropped Anderson off beside the road.

Foster, citing the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department, saidAnderson called the sheriff’s department for assistance anddeputies picked her up and brought her to the office. She called afriend to pick her up and they went to a friend’s home on OtisTrail.

Later that night, Lockhart arrived and went inside, passingthree friends outside the home. A fourth friend was inside the homewith Anderson, the investigator said.

The fourth friend heard loud voices and left the restroom towitness Lockhart stab Anderson in the upper torso. The threeoutside friends heard the commotion and rushed inside to find anarmed Lockhart fighting with Anderson in the living room, Fostersaid.

“They pulled him off of her, got him on the ground and took theknife from him,” Foster said. “They were still holding him on theground when the first officer arrived.”

Foster would not name the witnesses, citing an ongoinginvestigation.

Investigators had not discussed the case with Lockhart orAnderson Monday morning.

“He was not in a receptive mood to give us a statement the othernight, and I have not had the opportunity to give him an interviewyet,” Foster said. “I’ll be getting further statements as weprogress in the investigation.”