Downtown gets new stripes
Published 5:00 am Friday, May 19, 2006
The Brookhaven Public Works Department will be closing somedowntown streets at night over the next few days to allow workersto stripe the roads.
“We’re going to try to do this at night to avoid inconveniencingeveryone. We’ll leave it open as much as we can,” said SteveMoreton, public works director. “We need people to try to stay offthe streets after 5 p.m.”
Moreton is also asking downtown residents to move their vehiclesto parking lots while the streets are striped.
City workers started on the project Thursday night.
“We’re marking off parking spots and setting center lines,” hesaid.
Workers will continue the preparatory work tonight.
Work will not be done during the weekend, Moreton said, but willrestart Monday night.
“We want to paint Monday and Tuesday night,” he said. “When wepaint, we will have to block them off.”
Moreton said the crews are trying to work at night to avoidtraffic delays, but safety issues may be a concern. He is askingmotorists to stay alert while traveling downtown at night and watchfor city employees.
Crews may also have to work during the day because of otherfactors.
“A lot will depend on the lighting and if they can see atnight,” Moreton said.
Crews began preparatory work Thursday on Cherokee Street fromBrookway Boulevard to First Street.
Also included in the striping project are Jackson Street fromChippewa Street to the railroad tracks on Enterprise Street;Whitworth Street and Railroad Avenue from Chickasaw Street toMonticello Street; and Chickasaw Street from First Street to therailroad tracks.
“All of that is new overlay that has not been striped yet,”Moreton said.
The overlay was part of a city downtown repaving projectcompleted recently.