Better traffic flow goal of lane improvements
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, June 6, 2006
City workers are pressing on toward completion of turn laneextensions at the intersection of Brookway Boulevard and Highway51.
The work is intended to improve eastbound traffic flow at theintersection. After discussion between the Mississippi Departmentof Transportation and the city of Brookhaven, the solution to thetraffic flow problem was to lengthen turn lanes and increaseturn-light signal time, said Mayor Bob Massengill.
The completion of the boulevard project is in conjunction withthe resurfacing of Highway 51 by MDOT. Both city and statetransportation departments have contracted out local constructioncompany, Dickerson & Bowen Inc., for the resurfacingprojects.
“The city will pay for our part but it makes sense to pave itall at one time,” said Massengill.
The city expects to complete its portion of the work in the nextseven to 10 days, but the resurfacing depends on MDOT, saidMassengill.
Along with the extension of the turn lanes, the need to increaselight times at the intersection of Hwy. 51 and Brookway Blvd.became evident.
“The city talked with MDOT about lengthening the turn signaltime for drivers headed east to turn on Highway 51. The signal doesnot belong to the city; they (MDOT) are the only ones to changetiming for cars wanting to turn north onto Hwy. 51,” saidMassengill.
Brookhaven is a growing city and traffic congestion can only beexpected to increase, but city officials are working to make neededimprovements.
“I just know that this will greatly improve the traffic flow ofpeople headed east,” Massengill said.