Zetus residents closer to home insurance break
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, August 8, 2006
A public hearing Monday drew no opposition to a Zetus VolunteerFire Department plan to establish a grading district.
The plan would create defined boundaries and establish anon-taxing district within the area served by the Zetus VFD for thepurpose of lowering insurance premiums, said Lincoln County FireCoordinator Clifford Galey.
The grading district will allow for lower insurance premiumsbecause of a higher degree of fire safety resulting from changesmade within the Zetus VFD, Galey said. Fire hydrants have beenplaced at key locations within the boundaries of the gradingdistrict to earn it a lower classification by insurance officials.The district’s classification is expected to lower from Class 10 toat least Class 9.
A Class 9 rating would save residents a minimum of 15 percent ontheir fire insurance premiums the next time the policy comes up forrenewal, Galey said.
“We’re hoping it will be lowered to Class 8, but that will bedetermined during the final inspection,” Galey said.
Supervisors Monday passed a resolution of intent to create theZetus Fire Grading District. The public has three weeks for commentbefore supervisors must decide whether to approve the district.
The creation of the district will allow some residents living inthe area serviced by Zetus VFD to receive lower insurance premiumswhen they next renew their homeowner’s policies, Galey said.Residents living within five miles of the fire station will beeligible for the benefits.
Residents outside of the five-mile perimeter of the gradingdistrict will not benefit from it, he said. However, as otherdistricts work toward the same goals met by Zetus, residents willeventually receive the same coverage.
“When other districts do the same thing, it will encompassthem,” Galey said.
Once the fire grading district has been approved, Galey said,signs will be placed at its boundaries so residents can clearlytell if they live within its boundaries.
Other county volunteer fire departments are also making changesto earn lower classification ratings, he said.
Hog Chain VFD’s process is nearly identical to that of Zetus andshould be completed next.
However, East Lincoln and Heuck’s Retreat fire departments arefurther behind, Galey said. Those departments are not able to meetthe classifications of a lower rating because fire hydrants are nota possible solution in those districts.
The departments are having to determine alternativesolutions.