Co-Lin hosts Northwest for season debut

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, August 30, 2006

WESSON — How much have they improved?

The Co-Lin Wolves and Northwest Rangers, both owners of 1-6records in 2005’s hurricane-shortened campaign, hope to make a bigturnaround in the Mississippi Association of Community/JuniorColleges football season. They collide Thursday night in Co-Lin’sStone Stadium. Kickoff is 7 p.m.

Co-Lin head coach Glenn Davis (2-14) enters his third seasonwith high hopes. An above-average recruiting harvest and the returnof several talented sophomores make him optimistic.

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“I think this is the best team we’ve had so far,” said Davis.”Whether or not we have enough weapons to compete in the SouthDivision remains to be seen. I know we are more athletic.”

Davis said overall improvement in recruiting should make theWolfpack stronger. “We feel like we have the best players in ourdistrict and we have upgraded our out-of-state players. We are animproved football team.”

By comparison, the Rangers took an unexpected nose dive lastyear, losing to Co-Lin in their 3-week delayed season debut atSenatobia. They struggled with growing pains under first-year headcoach Randy Pippin who had directed Trinity Valley, Texas, to anational championship in 1994. He replaced the legendary BobbyFranklin at Northwest.

“I’m sure Northwest will be stronger,” said Davis. “They had 15teams in their district make the high school playoffs.”

According to Davis, he anticipates a difficult test versusNorthwest. “We need to avoid penalties and turnovers. We’ll have achance if we play well.”

Following MACJC regulations, each member school is allowed a55-player roster. Ten additional players are allowed on thepractice squad.

“It was difficult to trim our roster,” said Davis. “We had somehard decisions to make. We had some good kids that we hated to seeleave.”

Asked for a starting lineup, Davis said the following playerswould start on offense and defense.


At center is Kyle Tutor (6-2, 283, so.) of Meadville. Zach Ray(6-3, 305, so.) of Brookhaven is at left guard, Edward Prince (6-4,284, fr.) of Starkville is at left tackle, Deangelo Johnson(6-1,320, so.) of Houston is at right guard, Phillip Freeman (6-5,280,fr.) of Wesson at right tackle, DeAndre Davis (6-3, 241, so.)of Meadville at tight end. Darius Williams (5-10, 180, so.) ofBlakely, Ga. and Damoyn Carroll (6-5, 190, so.) of Hazlehurst atwide receiver.

Co-Lin running backs are Matthew Delaughter (5-11, 215, so.) ofLoyd Star and Aaron Johns (5-10, 180, so.) of Thomasville, Al.Cedric Johnson (5-10, 166, so.) of Americus, Ga. returns atquarterback.

Place-kicking is Nick Gunter (5-8, 156, so.) of Wesson. He willhandle kickoffs and punting.

Thomas Skinner (6-6, 255, so.) of Puckett and Tutor are the longsnappers.


Jasper O’Quinn (5-11, 180, so.) of Meadville and Marcus Udell(6-0, 185, fr.) of Tallahassee, Fla., are at cornerback, Working atlinebacker are Michael Bibbs (6-2, 209, so.) of Atlanta, BlakeSpiers (6-2, 220, so.) of Brandon and Tray Hardaway (5-11, 205,fr.) of Olive Branch. In the secondary, Dorsett Pendleton (5-10,161, so.) of Crystal Springs is at free safety, and Michael Britt(5-11, 205, fr.) of Loyd Star at strong safety.

In the defensive line, Steven King (6-1, 265, so.) of Fayetteand Jessie Bowman (6-1,310, so.) of Brookhaven are at insidetackle. Raven Gray (6-4, 275, fr.) of Enterprise, Ala., and KevinHolmes (6-4, 260, fr.) of Hazlehurst are at end.

Davis said safety Johnny Sanders (6-2, 185, fr.) of Hazlehurstsuffered a broken nose during practice and Britt has replaced himin the secondary. Davis said Sanders has been cleared to play buthe missed several days of practice during the recovery period.

Wolf Tails: Chris Blackwell kicked three fieldgoals and Cedric Johnson passed 12 yards to Maurice Taylor for atouchdown as Co-Lin surprised Northwest 16-6. Johnson rushed for 58yards and passed for 135 as the Wolfpack avenged a 54-17 loss in2004.