Fire disrupts classes, but little damage
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, September 12, 2006
A minor fire at Monticello Elementary School disrupted classeslate Monday afternoon but caused little damage, a school officialsaid.
A power strip in the school’s computer laboratory apparentlyshorted and began burning around 3 p.m., said SuperintendentRussell Caudill.
Teachers ushered the students outside and returned to put outthe blaze with fire extinguishers. The fire was limited to a verysmall area and was contained quickly with minimal damage toproperty, he said.
“We’re waiting to see if there was any damage to the computersfrom the fire extinguishers,” Caudill said.
The superintendent said the nonthreatening fire provided theschool with a good opportunity to practice its emergencyprocedures.
“It was a good unplanned fire drill,” Caudill said. “Theteachers and students did very well.”
The fire occurred shortly before students were scheduled toleave school and they did not return to class, he said. Instead,they boarded the waiting buses.
“There was a lot of excitement yesterday, but not many studentshad homework last night,” Caudill joked. “I don’t think they weretoo upset.”
The fire was out when volunteers with the Monticello FireDepartment arrived, he said. Firefighters removed smoke and debrisfrom the fire extinguishers from the building before returning tothe station.