Wesson wallops Cathedral

Published 6:00 am Wednesday, November 29, 2006

WESSON — The Wesson Cobra boys and girls basketball teams cameback from the Thanksgiving Holidays with a pair of big wins overthe Natchez Cathedral Green Wave Tuesday night.

The Wesson girls pounded Cathedral 55-20, powered by guardsAlexis Crosby with 16 points and Perry K. Furr with 15.

The Cobras nailed 12 treys on their way to a 66-38 victory overthe Greenies.

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Wesson hosts Bogue Chitto Friday night for two varsity games.The girls kick off play at 6 p.m. followed by the boys.

Wesson 55, Cathedral 20

Wesson girls coach Hugh Webb played his five starters, Crosby,Furr, Dannielle Tadlock, Ann Shelby Davis and Chelsea Lucas, in thefirst and third quarters. The second and fourth quarters wereplayed by the substitutes.

The Lady Cobras (5-2) pounced on Cathedral (0-5) for a 23-5 leadin the first quarter. At halftime, Wesson commanded a 31-9 lead. A17-3 run in the third frame had the Lady Cobras leading 48-12 goingin to the fourth quarter.

“We did well,” said Webb after the games. “Our starters playedthe first and third quarters. I was pleased with them. Alexis andP.K. continue to lead the club. They are playing really well.”

Webb also singled out Lucas for her contribution. “I’m reallypleased with all three (Crosby, Furr, Lucas) of their play. MacieCase did a good job coming off the bench.” Case netted fourpoints.

For Coach Cathy Graning’s Lady Greenies, Keistian Dobart was theonly player in double figures with 10 points.

Wesson 66, Cathedral 38

Senior guard Brandt Hood directed the 3-4 Cobras with 19 points,including 5 treys, and 15 rebounds. Cody King pumped in 14 pointsand pulled down 10 rebounds. Scoring 12 points was Lonnie Reevesfollowed by Josh Hood with 10. King, Reeves and Hood hit two3-pointers apiece.

“When you have four guys in double figures, you give yourself achance to win any night,” said Wesson boys coach Ron Kessler.”We’re getting better each game. I want them to continue to digdeep. We played with more enthusiasm tonight.”

Wesson led Cathedral (1-4) 20-9 at the end of the first quarter.The Greenies played the Cobras close in the second quarter as thehosts pushed their lead to 37-22. A 13-6 run in the third quartergave Wesson a 50-28 cushion going into the fourth quarter.

The Greenies, coached by Peter Arnold, got nine points fromguard Juan Gray. Andy Lucas finished with seven points.