Hood pours in 33 points; Wesson whip McLaurin

Published 6:00 am Thursday, December 21, 2006

WESSON — Senior point guard Brandt Hood pumped in a game-high33 points Tuesday night to power the Wesson Cobras to a 73-49District 6-2A win over the McLaurin Tigers. Hood, who scored 21points (3 treys) in the first half, also made 4 steals and had 5assists. He also was 12 of 14 from the free throw line.

In the girls game, junior guard Perry K. Furr exploded in thethird quarter for 17 points, finishing with 26 points and sparkingthe Lady Cobras to a 51-31, district victory over the LadyTigers.

Wesson hosts its Invitational Tournament Friday and Saturday ofthis week. Action begins Friday at 10 a.m.

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Wesson 73, McLaurin 49

The Cobras (7-7, 1-1) streaked out to a 24-13 lead over theTigers (2-6, 1-2) in the first quarter. At halftime, Wessoncommanded a 46-32 lead. The hosts put the game away in the thirdquarter with a 25-6 scoring run for a 61-38 lead going into thefinal frame.

“This was the most unselfish game we have played all year,” saidWesson boys coach Ron Kessler after the win. “Everybody contributedin every facet of the game. We played as a team.”

Junior center Josh Hart, in his first year on the varsity team,netted 15 points and led off the backboards with 7 rebounds forWesson. Lonnie Reeves fired in 14 points. Jamar Sims grabbed 6rebounds and had 2 assists. Cody King collected 5 rebounds and made4 steals.

Coach Jason Kelly’s Tigers got 19 points, including 2 treys,from Michael Young who left the game at the 6:50 mark in the thirdquarter after receiving his second technical foul. Donnell Wellsfollowed with 6 points.

McLaurin was assessed 4 technicals in the game.

Wesson 51, McLaurin 31

The Lady Cobras (9-5, 2-1) went up 13-4 on the winless LadyTigers in the first quarter. Both teams struggled in the secondquarter as Wesson pushed its lead to 17-9 at halftime.

“P.K. got us going,” said Wesson girls coach Hugh Webb. “She hadone of her best quarters of the year. We got to play everybody.

“The second team (Macie Case, Summer Easterling, AnsleySchimmel, Kimmie Kolpeck and Leah Greer) that came in the secondquarter played really good defense.

“We came out lethargic,” added Webb of the first halfperformance. “We just weren’t focused and ready to play. We didn’tput them away until P.K. came on in the third quarter.”

Furr’s 17-point outburst sparked the Wesson offense with 21points for a 38-15 lead over McLaurin.

Contributing to the Wesson win with 9 points and 6 assists wassenior point guard Alexis Crosby. On the backboards, Ann ShelbyDavis led with 6 rebounds followed by Chelsey Lucas with 5.

The Lady Tigers, coached by Eddie Wade Jr., were led by MacyBrown with 11 points. Camille Howard finished with 10 points.

Junior varsity action

The Wesson JV boys held off McLaurin for a 31-25 win. ZackFetcko and Reeves led the Cobras with six points apiece. Kingfinished with 5 points.