Venture program to help youth
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 9, 2007
A program to help youth “venture” into responsibility – throughthe use of educational and fun trips and activities – is beingorganized at a local restaurant Thursday night.
Rose Powell, one of the founders of the “O” Foundation, said theorganization is teaming with the Boy Scouts of America, Chief ofPolice Pap Henderson, Lincoln County Sheriff Steve Rushing andretired Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol trooper Carl Brown tocreate a “Venturing” program.
“They can win awards, go on trips – all kinds of things,” Powellsaid about the youth participants.
Venturing is a year-round program for young men and women whoare 14 to 20 years of age and have completed the eighth grade. Theprogram is designed to allow them to grow by teaching others anddevelop leadership skills through educational and funactivities.
A planning meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday at Polly’sSoul Food Restaurant at 119 Main St. It takes five adults over theage of 21 to volunteer as leaders and at least five young adults toform a team.
“I sent 100 (notification) letters out,” Powell said. “We’rehoping to get at least 40 adults to the meeting. The problem is notgetting the youth, it’s getting the adults.”
Organizers would like to create several teams. With enoughvolunteers, she said, they could create Venturing teams atchurches, schools or even independently.
The executive director of the state Boy Scouts of America willattend the meeting to inform potential volunteers about theprogram.
Venturing is not a typical scouting program, Powell said.
“It’s not to teach them to make fires or anything like that,”she said. “They learn all that in scouting programs. This is anolder group (of children) so they teach them to be responsibleadults.”
“O” Foundation President Charles Powell II and Brown will serveas co-chairmen for the program and liaison between the local teamsand the state BSA office.
Organizers hope to get the local teams created in time to hold asummer camp at the Lincoln County Multi-Use Facility this year.
For more information on Venturing, contact Charles Powell at(601) 695-3658 or Rose Powell at (601) 835-2268.