Arts commission visit set for Jan. 23

Published 6:00 am Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Mississippi Arts Commission will be visiting Brookhaven onJanuary 23 as a part of a series of town meetings to discuss thearts organization’s five-year strategic plan.

“MAC creates a new strategic plans every five years and we aredoing field research as we venture down the road of constructingour plan for 2008-2013,” said Allison Winstead, Arts-BasedCommunity Development director for the Mississippi Arts Commission.”A very important component of our research is hearing from ourconstituents.”

The meeting will be held at the State Room Tuesday from 10 2 p.m. and will be an open forum for participants to exchangeideas and offer input. The morning sessions will be brainstormingsessions for future project ideas and the afternoon sessions willfocus on grant-writing and other arts-related assistancequestions.

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“We will have a ‘town hall’ type meeting from 10-12, askingthose interested to share their opinions as to how they see MACmoving forward in the next five years. Participants are welcome tocome for all or just part,” said Winstead.

Lunch is provided for meeting attendees and the cost is free.The meeting is open to anyone interested in sharing ideas for thefuture of the MAC.