Who’s going to win the Super Bowl?
Published 6:00 am Thursday, February 1, 2007
Who’s going to win Sunday’s Super Bowl XLI?
This column conducted an informal poll of area high school andcommunity college head football coaches. Most sentiments were withthe Colts, quarterback Peyton Manning (Archie’s son) and Coach TonyDungy.
The big, bad Bears had a few devotees but many expertsquestioned their offense. Can Chicago match touchdowns withIndianapolis?
As the game drew closer, we even polled some journalisticstalwarts in The DAILY LEADER newsroom, plus some intelligent,part-time sports writers. Yes the Colts are the favorites.
Asked for my opinion, I shuddered at the thought of the Bearswinning the Super Bowl. Born in Manitowoc, Wis., just a littlesouth of Green Bay, my Packer roots run deep. Blood is thicker thanwater, even if it’s frozen blood from the tundra.
Thawed completely after nearly 40 years in Mississippi, thiscolumn favors the Colts by 10 points, 27-17.
We’ll give the coaches a platform to stand on.
Tucker Peavey, Brookhaven: I hope the Coltswin. I like the offense they run. I enjoy watching them play. Colts28-21.
Bo Milton, Brookhaven Academy; I’m pulling forthe Colts. I like Tony Dungy because he’s been so close. I alsolike Peyton Manning. Colts 34-17.
Roe Burns, Enterprise: I’m for the Colts. Ilike Tony Dungy and his philosophy as a coach: not using profanityand vulgarity. Colts 28-13.
Glenn Davis, Co-Lin: I’m going to have to pullfor Chicago. I like the way they play defense. They are betteroffensively than people give them credit for. Chicago 31-27.
Charles Anthony, Southwest: Indianapolis iscapable of scoring more points and they play better defense. Iwould like to see Coach Tony Dungy and Peyton Manning get theirfirst Super Bowl win. Colts 21-13.
Brooks Burns, West Lincoln: I’m pulling for theColts. I like their coach and their quarterback. They are both goodguys. Peyton Manning is the best in the game. Colts 24-10.
Mike Davis, Lawrence County: I’m for the Coltsbecause of Ol’ Archie’s boy. I always was an Archie fan. I thinkthe Bears might win because defense wins championships. Bears17-14.
Gareth Sartin, Bogue Chitto: I like the Colts.I like Peyton Manning and the offense they run. He does a real goodjob of throwing. Their running game is getting better and theirdefense playing a lot better, when it means the most. Colts28-21.
Tommy Clopton, Wesson: I’m pulling for theColts. Peyton Manning is the sentimental favorite. He representswhat is good about professional football He’s a good role model forthe kids. I hope Indianapolis pulls it out. Colts 24-21.
Grady McCluskey, Franklin County: I don’t havea favorite but I will pick the Colts. They are playing in Miami andit will be good weather. They are much better offensively than theBears. Colts 28-17.
Randall Huffman, South Pike: I favor Chicago atthis time. They play good defense. I look for it to be a real goodballgame. It’s about time to have a good one. Bears 28-24.
Moving on to the newsroom.
Richard Dube: I’ve got to pull for the Colts. Ilike Peyton Manning. I’d like to see him get that Super Bowl ring.This may be his only shot at it. Colts 21-18.
Will Watson: Honestly, I don’t like eitherteam. The Colts knocked out my favorite team, San Diego. I’m an NFCman and Walter Peyton played for Chicago. Bears 17-10.
James Covington: I grew up watching Peyton at Tennessee.I think it will be a very close game. Colts 24-20.
Marty Albright: I really don’t have a favoritebut I guess I’ll pull for the Colts. They have a pretty goodoffense and I would like to see one of the Mannings win a SuperBowl. Colts 35-28.
Brett Rutland: I want Indianapolis to win butI’m not sure the Chicago defense is going to let them. The Colts’run defense is not that good. I hope the Colts win, 20-13.
Michael Gunnell: My two favorite NFL teams arethe Colts and the Giants because of the Manning brothers. TheIndianapolis defense has shown it can stop the running game afterall and the team has shown it can win big games even when Peytondoesn’t play his absolute best. Colts 32-20.
David Culpepper: I’m for Indianapolis.Normally, defense wins championships but you must be able to movethe ball to sustain it. I don’t think Chicago’s offense is goodenough to make long drives. If they get behind early, they’re introuble. Colts 31-13.
Tammie Brewer: I don’t have a favorite team butI probably would root for the Bears, because they kicked butt inSuper Bowl XX. Bears 21-17.
Scott Tynes: I really don’t care who wins but Ithink the Colts will win it. Rex Grossman isn’t a good enoughquarterback to make Chicago win. Colts 31-17.
Bill Jacobs: I like Peyton and the Colts. Ilike that Manning connection and I’ve been a fan of the Colts sinceI was growing up. Colts 24-14.
Sarah Holcombe: I like Peyton Manning, theIndianapolis quarterback. Colts 24-18.
Matthew Coleman: I want the Bears to win andUrlacher is one of my favorite players. If he sacks Peyton a coupleof times, the Bears may have a chance, but I think the Colts’offense is too strong. Colts 28-17.
Therese Apel: I like the Bears. My uncle, BillWade, played quarterback for them. I’m really enthusiastic for thembecause it’s been so long since they’ve been in a Super Bowl. Ithink the Bears will pull it out at the end. Bears 27-24.
Write to sports editor Tom Goetz, c/o The DAILY LEADER, P.O.BOX 551, Brookhaven, MS 39602 or e-mailsports@dailyleader.com