Two more join race for court post
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, February 6, 2007
The race for Post One Justice Court judge grew even more heatedlast week with the emergence of two new candidates, according toqualifying documents with the Lincoln County Circuit Clerk’sOffice.
Former Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department investigator FrankLeggett and Carol Brewer, a bail bondsman, filed their qualifyingpapers with the Democratic Party to announce their bids for theseat last week.
Their actions expanded the field of candidates to six. Leggettand Brewer join fellow Democrats Ralph Boone, Art Likens, ValerieShelby-Sterling and Trisha Jordan Weeks in a campaign to claim theseat vacated with Judge Judy Case Martin’s announcement that shewould not be seeking re-election.
Justice Court offices will see major changes in 2008.
Incumbent Post Two Justice Court judge Billy Joe “B.J.” Pricehas not qualified and has said he is also likely to retire, leavingboth Justice Court seats vacant. Ricky Beavers, Carl Brown, AndrewGraham, Chris King and Ann Reeves have filed their qualifyingpapers to seek that office.
The races will be decided during the Democratic primary Aug. 7unless a Republican or Independent qualifies for the office by theMarch 1 deadline.
The general election will be held Nov. 6.
The 2007 elections include nearly all county and state offices.Other candidates for office include:
* Sheriff: Democrats Steve Rushing, the incumbent; Lynn Boyteand B.W. Pitts and Republican Terry Harper.
* Supervisor District One: Incumbent the Rev. Jerry Wilson.
* Supervisor District Two: Incumbent Bobby J. Watts, Ellis DaveChatmon and Jerry E. Nix.
* Supervisor District Three: Incumbent Nolan EarlWilliamson.
* Supervisor District Four: Incumbent Doug Moak, Eddie Brown,Charles Davis and Jeff Fauver.
* Supervisor District Five: Incumbent Gary Walker and RepublicanDonald R. Golmon.
* Chancery Clerk: Democrats Tillmon Bishop, the incumbent, andMaxine McCoy Jones.
* Circuit Clerk: Incumbent Terry Lynn Watkins.
* Tax Assessor/Collector: Incumbent Nancy Jordan.
* Coroner: Incumbent Clay McMorris.
* Constable Post One: Incumbent Charles Ralph Smith, Clint A.Earls, Kelly Porter and Don Smith.
* Constable Post Two: Incumbent Lavon Boyd.
* Superintendent: Incumbent Terry Brister.
The office of county surveyor still has no candidates.