2 hard drives taken in BHS break-in

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Two computer hard drives were stolen in a break-in at BrookhavenHigh School over the weekend, authorities said.

School officials reported the break-in around 7:15 a.m. Monday.Authorities said the exact time of the break-in could not bedetermined.

Assistant Police Chief Nolan Jones said the perpetrator orperpetrators removed the glass from the door to the ROTC buildingbehind the school by removing the wooden strips around it andentered the computer lab. He said the investigation is ongoing.

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“All they did was take two hard drives,” said Jones. “I don’tknow what they intend to do with them.”

He indicated that the actual hard drives were removed from thecentral processing units, and that one other computer was openedbut the hard drive wasn’t taken out of it.

Lea Barrett, superintendent of Brookhaven Schools, said she doesnot believe there was specific information that would make the harddrives taken targets for theft.

“I think it was random, I don’t think there was specificinformation on them because they were student machines. There wascertainly nothing of material nature on either one,” she said. “Iwould assume they just wanted a hard drive.”

Jones said police attempted to gather fingerprints at the scene,and school officials said they will be purchasing additionalsecurity equipment to prevent against future break-ins.

“I’ve got a purchase order on my desk right now for a fewadditional security cameras to up the security at the high school,”said Barrett.

In regards to whether the perpetrators were students or not,Barrett declined to speculate.

“I wouldn’t venture a guess. I’m going to leave that in thehands of the police. We don’t have information or feedback onthat,” she said.

She also stated the school district is confident in policedepartment’s ability to find the offenders and recover the stolenproperty.

“They always do a terrific job on coordinating with us on thingslike this,” she said. “They also have a high recovery rate forthings that turn up missing around here.”