Candidates talk area’s road needs
Published 5:00 am Monday, July 2, 2007
Editor’s note: Today, The DAILY LEADER continues a series ofquestion and answer sessions with candidates for District Twosupervisor. Incumbent District Two Supervisor Bobby J. Watts andcandidate Ellis Dave Chatmon responded to the newspaper’s surveywhile candidate Jerry Nix did not participate.
Roads are a constant source of concern for districtcitizens. What road improvements do you envision for your districtand how do you plan to pay for them? Would you consider a taxincrease? If not, what services would you cut to fund the proposedroadwork?
Ellis Dave Chatmon:
I will do an observation on all the roads in the district firstto see what is needed. The ones in terrible condition would beresurfaced. All roads would be taken care of not just a particulararea. The road work would be paid for through the fundsappropriated. I would not consider a tax increase.
Bobby Watts:
I will use the Road and Bridge funds in the District 2 budget. Iwill accept all funds provided by the State Aid services thatprovide for any roads and bridges in District #2. I will oppose anyroad and bridge taxes.