Lampton continues recovery
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 11, 2007
U.S. Attorney Dunn Lampton is recovering well from injuriessustained in an accident the last week of June, an official saidtoday.
“He’s still doing real well. He’s making progress,” said SheilaWilbanks, Lampton’s secretary at the U.S. Attorney’s SouthernDistrict office in Jackson.
It is not clear, however, when he will be able to return towork, she said.
Lampton was released from River Oaks Hospital days aftersustaining his injury, but was transferred to MethodistRehabilitation Center, where he continues to receive treatment fora bruised spine, Wilbanks said.
The attorney was injured June 27 during a jeep accident on hisPike County farm, she said, but declined to provide details.
“He is holding a press conference Friday and I would rather youhear it straight from him. There’s several different versions goingaround,” Wilbanks said.
Lampton and his doctor have tentatively scheduled a pressconference for 10 a.m. Friday at the rehabilitation center, wherethey will discuss his injuries and recovery.
Lampton, a Pike County native, served as district attorney ofthe 14th Judicial District, covering Copiah, Lincoln, Pike andWalthall counties, from 1981-2001.