Officials investigate burglary

Published 5:00 am Monday, July 16, 2007

Deputies continue to investigate a burglary at Loyd Star GeneralStore Thursday morning.

“We’ve still got a couple of persons of interest we’re trying torun down today,” Lincoln County Sheriff Steve Rushing said Thursdayafternoon.

Investigators have not ruled out the possibility of severalsuspects, he said.

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“I can’t really say how many were involved right now,” Rushingsaid.

Suzette Sullivan, owner of the Highway 550 store, said shearrived at the store between 4:30 and 4:45 a.m. Thursday to preparefor its 5:30 a.m. opening when she noticed something was amiss.

She quickly determined that someone had “broken the glass andpulled the window frame out of the brick in the kitchen andsqueezed through the bars” to gain entry to the store.

A cursory inspection of the store revealed a safe with anundisclosed amount of money, tobacco products, soft drinks andcandy were missing, Sullivan said.

This is the first time the store has been robbed or vandalizedsince Sullivan purchased it four years ago, she said.

“I feel like it’s somebody very familiar with my store,” shesaid.

A laptop computer, printer and other electronics were nottouched, Sullivan said, but the burglar knew the location of thesafe, which cannot be seen by customers.

One good development to come out of the burglary, she said, wasthe compassion of her regular customers.

“My customers have been very good to me,” Sullivan said. “Someeven provided me with some money to make change with today.”