BC now boasts better fire rating

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bogue Chitto residents are the next to benefit from a push byLincoln County volunteer fire departments to create fire gradingdistricts aimed at lowering local insurance premiums.

Bogue Chitto Fire Chief Sedgie Mercier said his district hasincreased from a level 10 rating to an 8.

“We were officially certified Sept. 27, but we just got ourletter,” he said. “It took a lot of hard work and a lot of money toget the equipment we needed to meet these requirements.”

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County supervisors tentatively created the district in August,pending certification by the State Ratings Bureau and other stateagencies.

The grading district covers an area within five road miles ofthe Bogue Chitto station, loosely bordered on Pleasant Hill Road tothe east and Shannon Lane to the west in an inverted pyramid thattips to the south near Brumfield Road.

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