Obituaries for Monday, November 26, 2007
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Nahkia Xeneé Lyons
Services for Nahkia Xeneé Lyons, of Brookhaven, are 2 p.m.Tuesday, Nov. 27, at Bethany Missionary Baptist Church in Jayesswith burial in the church cemetery.
Visitation is Monday from 1 until 6 p.m. at WilliamsMortuary.
Miss Lyons, 10, died Nov. 20, 2007, at the University ofMississippi Medical Center in Jackson. She was born in Brookhavenon Sept. 1, 1997, to Jerry Lyons and Patricia Newsome.
She was a fifth-grade student at Lipsey Middle School. She was amember of Bethany M.B. Church.
Preceding her in death were her grandmother, Mary Tillman; hergreat-grandmothers, Virgie Mae Mayers and Joella Christmas; and hergreat-grandfathers, Emmitt Mayers and John Christmas.
Survivors are her mother, Patricia Newsome, of Brookhaven; herstepfather, Darrell Newsome Sr., of Brookhaven; her father, JerryLyons, of Brookhaven; her brothers, Jerry Kelly, Juantez Lyons andDarrell Newsome Jr.; her sisters, Makyiah Newsome and ShunteriaLyons; her stepsisters, Darnella Newsome and Ladana Newsome; hergrandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins; and a special friend,Brandi Myers.