Organizers prepare for town Christmas parade
Published 6:00 am Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wesson residents can look forward to another great parade thisyear, complete with all the trimmings, says one long-time paradeorganizer.
Kenneth Furr said the Wesson parade has been going on for around30 years, and this year’s promises to be another year of fun forthe whole family.
“We’ll have the Co-Lin band, and the cheerleaders and the firedepartment trucks, of course,” said Furr. “The town board will bethere, and the forestry commission.”
Furr said the Nena Smith dancers will be out in force, with atroop going before and after both the Co-Lin Marching Band and theWesson Attendance Center Band as well.
The parade will start at 4 p.m. Friday at the Baptist Church onHighway 51, and will make its way through town. Upon reaching theMethodist Church, it will turn around. The second trip back, thetroop of horses will bring up the rear.
And there will be floats of all kinds, including some done bychurches and day care centers.
“There are always some real pretty ones,” he said. “I go andline them up and get them ready at the Baptist Church.”
The floats and parade participants will throw candy as inprevious years, and Furr pointed out that parents and children needto exercise caution when retrieving the candy from the streets.
“We’ll throw candy, Santa does and the others in the paradethrow candy too. We haven’t had any trouble yet, but they need tobe safe,” he said.
Furr said he expects 2,000 to 3,000 people to line the streetsof Wesson to watch the festivities. He added the town finally has abanner put up downtown that details the time and date of theparade.
“They got us a banner across the street, so everyone knows aboutit now,” he said. “People kept calling and asking me when it was,because everyone’s looking forward to it.”